Jack and Jeanette Walker Cu7 - (CUBA777)

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Jack and Jeanette Walker Cu7 - (CUBA777)

Goal: $18,000
tithe tithing fundraising raise money crowdfunding

Jack and Jeanette Walker Cu7 - (CUBA777)

tithe tithing fundraising raise money crowdfunding


- - Currently raising awareness for Prayer and Donations to support Cuban pastors, leaders, and projects of evangelism, church planting, discipleship, and leadership training. See our Facebook: Jack D Walker and Cu7 We are Volunteers to CUBA; equipping, encouraging, and empowering pastors and house church leaders through training and materials. After 30 years with Mission Aviation Fellowship, 13 years Leadership Ministries Worldwide, 5 years Amazing Grace International ...we are privileged to serve 8 years now in Cuba under TITUS International of Chattanooga, TN.

Mission Statement:


Basic Information

Website: https://www.facebook.com/100007411938473/videos/1939878909602488/
Country: United States
Region: California
City: Brea


Cuba Map It
Melena Del Sur, La Habana, Cuba Map It
Vueltas, Villa Clara, Cuba Map It
United States Map It
Brea, California, United States Map It
Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States Map It