Kingdom Concept Ministries (KCM) is an entrepeneurial church with a heart for missions. 2018 is a new year to engage with missions that show the love of God through acts of kindness.
Our Honduras initiative represents and embodies this opportunity. Thus, the church is planning to travel again to this Central America's country to help people refurbish homes and also provide basic goods for many in need.
Your seeds can help us support the men and women who will help us with construction projects, as well as financing the goods that KCM will provide to the families in Honduras.
We are believing God to touch the hearts that want to change lives through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Proverbs 19:17 He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and that which he has given He will repay to him.
Mission Statement:
KCM is a place where you can spiritually learn to live a life in the resurrection of Jesus Christ