Favor International, Inc.

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Favor International, Inc.

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Favor International, Inc.

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Through mobilized prayer and discipleship, leadership development, and the power of the Gospel, our indigenous leaders holistically transform whole communities at a time throughout unreached, underserved northeast African nations.

Favor International arose as a prayer movement that helped end the brutal war in northern Uganda in 2006. As victims of war and former child soldiers and LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army) leaders themselves, this family of developing leaders worked to bring the same healing and hope they received from Jesus to the countless broken lives everywhere around, including neighboring South Sudan, which had been in constant civil war for 60 years. After hundreds of Portable Bible Schools developing villages throughout 2 countries with 50,000 newly trained disciple makers, Favor is facilitating a “Book of Acts” movement of God’s Kingdom throughout northeast Africa.

Basic Information

Phone: 9414449940
Email: [email protected]
Address: 3433 Lithia Pinecrest Rd #356
Postal: 33596
Website: favorintl.org
Country: United States
Region: Florida
City: Valrico


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