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Camp Hohn Disc Golf Course

tithe tithing fundraising raise money crowdfunding

Camp Hohn Disc Golf Course

tithe tithing fundraising raise money crowdfunding


Google Docs Info Packet

Eagle Sponsor/Hole Sponsor - $500 - Our Hole Sponsors help us afford the best quality equipment for scouts to use.  This financial amount helps cover the cost of the basket, teebox materials, tee signs, and post loc.  Each Hole Sponsor will have a custom 9' x 12' sign below the tee sign near each tee box, which can be customized with a logo and text, custom design or just simple text.


Life Sponsor - $200 - Our Life Sponsor tier helps cover those special projects that make our course special.  From benches and bridges to environmental protection  like water bars and stairs, these projects help insure not only the comfort of the scouts and scouters, but also to reduce the negative ecological impact that comes with a lot of foot traffic in natural areas.


Star Sponsor - $50 - Our Star Sponsors help cover some of the hidden costs of maintenance, from gas and oil in our equipment, to providing quality discs the scouts can borrow during their round if they haven’t played before.

*All Donations are tax-deductible

All Eagle, Life and Star sponsors will be posted on our kiosk so that your donations don’t go unnoticed.