St. Francis is a Catholic Church located in Harrisburg, PA
Basic Information
Phone: | 7172321003 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Website: | |
Country: | United States |
United States | Map It |
St. Francis is a Catholic Church located in Harrisburg, PA
Phone: | 7172321003 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Website: | |
Country: | United States |
United States | Map It |
Recent Donations
In memory of Jerome Michael O'Leary, died 12/08/2024. His family and mine were parishioners at St Francis 1950's-1960's and he and I were members of St Francis Boy Scout Troop 34, with scoutmaster Marlin Hicks. Please pray for them..
Merry Christmas! This donation is in honor of Fr. Anthony.
Thank you!
On behalf of Jerome OLeary
I'd like to designate that my contribution go towards your new boiler to keep you all warm...if that gets paid off...then to your debt.
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