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V3 Movement - Japan Cohort Neighborhood Planting 1

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V3 Movement - Japan Cohort Neighborhood Planting 1

tithe tithing fundraising raise money crowdfunding


Imagine a future where passionate Japanese leaders are equipped to plant vibrant, disciple-making churches across the country - from bustling cityscapes to hidden mountain villages.

This dream is within reach! We have 7 incredible students eager to join our training program, but financial barriers stand in their way.

Here's where you come in! Your contribution, no matter the size, can help cover their tuition fees and unlock their potential to:

  • Equip themselves: Gain the knowledge and skills to build thriving missional churches.
  • Shape the future: Plant churches that reach every corner of Japan - beaches, skate parks, and beyond!
  • Multiply impact: Disciple others who will carry the torch, creating a ripple effect of faith.

With your help, these students can transform their passion into action. Together, we can see Japan flourish with a network of Christ-centered communities.

Every contribution gets us closer to our goal! Please donate today and be a part of this exciting movement!