June 16 – 21
Totus Tuus is a week-long Catholic youth summer program dedicated to inspiring a true longing for holiness, a deep desire for daily conversion, and an openness to vocation. This week will be filled with faith, fellowship, and of course FUN!
COST: $10 per child (includes shirt)
To help estimate number and sizes of shirts, please have registration forms completed and payment made to the parish office by June 4th.
Additional shirts can be purchased for family and friends ($10 each).
Registration forms can be found in the back of the church, or you can register online by scanning the QR code below.
Recent Donations
Jack and Lucy cannot attend each evening due to work responsibilities however I am hoping they can just show when it works.
Shirts for McKenna, Emily, and Juliana Gorges
Preslea & Paislea
Leighton, Broden and Merrick TT shirts.
Totus Tuus- Bridget, Patrick, Abigail and Timothy
Haleigh Moutray
Extra tshirt
Emma, Anna, and Lucy
Kyson, Aveyah & Coralynn Totus Tuus registration + 2 adult t-shirts
Registration for Andrew and Katie Gorges Family- Lucy, Max, Emily, Paul, & Zelie
Mason & Cora Totus Tuus
Rachel Robben Totus Tuus and an extra T-shirt
Stacie totus tuus shirt
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