Ahava Ministries Inc.

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Ahava Ministries Inc.

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Ahava Ministries Inc.

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Ahava Ministries was founded in 2012 in order to bring eliminate spiritual, emotional and physical poverty. Since then, Ahava has been dedicated to serving the community of Pastores Sacatepequez Guatemala. 

Ahava Ministries works to target all of these conditions through Christian discipleship, health initiatives, and education. 

Ahava's programs include an after school and tutoring program, a scholarship program, skills training, holistic health classes, a community garden and more. 

Join us in our fight for justice in Guatemala as we work to raise up Christ followers who will impact their community, country, and world.  

Basic Information

Phone: 9188149806
Email: [email protected]
Address: 9252 E. 58th Place
Postal: 74145
Website: ahavaministriesgt.com
Country: United States
Region: Oklahoma
City: Tulsa


Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States Map It

Recent Donations

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Bonnie Ford donated $$$ Today, 5:14 am

I wish to sponsor Andrea Miranda.

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Frank Carvajal donated $35.00 Today, 5:10 am
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ANONYMOUS donated $$$ Today, 5:10 am
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ANONYMOUS donated $$$ Today, 5:10 am
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Julia Hines donated $75.00 Today, 5:10 am
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ANONYMOUS donated $$$ 2 days ago, 5:07 am
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ANONYMOUS donated $$$ 2 days ago, 5:07 am
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ANONYMOUS donated $$$ 3 days ago, 8:37 pm
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Rhonda Wolfe donated $50.00 4 days ago, 5:15 am
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Michelle Carpenter donated $85.00 5 days ago, 7:19 am

Donation is for Primary and Secondary schooling

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Obed Mendez donated $35.00 September 13, 2024, 6:29 am
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Shaun Ewing donated $50.00 September 12, 2024, 5:08 am

For Diego Salazar

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ANONYMOUS donated $$$ September 9, 2024, 5:08 am

For the Mendez family

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Beth West donated $$$ September 8, 2024, 5:08 am
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ANONYMOUS donated $$$ September 7, 2024, 11:15 am

For your clutch!! Or anything else you need! Love you guys!!

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Ashley Craine donated $$$ September 7, 2024, 9:16 am


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ANONYMOUS donated $$$ September 7, 2024, 5:09 am

Jesus sponsorship

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James Wagner donated $$$ September 7, 2024, 5:07 am
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Ashley Craine donated $$$ September 7, 2024, 5:07 am

for jeimy

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ANONYMOUS donated $$$ September 6, 2024, 10:22 pm