JoyKC is a non-profit ministry that provides free, faith-based programming for teens (ages 15+) and adults with disabilities in the Kansas City area.
Basic Information
Phone: | 8164827515 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Website: | |
Country: | United States |
United States | Map It |
Recent Donations
Share the JOY in KC and beyond! God bless you all!!
In memory of Lois Austin
This gift is made in memory of Lois Austin.
In memory of Lois Austin
In memory of Lois Austin, Emily Fletcher’s grandma.
In memory of Lois Austin, a very special lady & friend.
In loving memory of Lois Austin. May she rest in peace in the arms of our Savior!
In Honor of Lois Austin
In loving memory of Lois and love for Emily.
In memory of Lois Austin - please notify her daughter, Julie Fletcher.
Keep Bringing the JOY to KC! God bless the 2024 joyRUN!
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