CBM's Missionaries in Honduras have returned to the U.S. for the time being, BUT the Lord is still working through CBM of Honduras, located at The Filling Station, through a wonderful, godly, local woman named Ondina.
Even through the difficult times that have faced the nation of Honduras this year, Ondina has been able to hold weekly Bible events for the El Filtro community. Each week, 100-150 children and some parents come to The Filling Station for spiritual and physical nourishment. For some, it is their only meal that day, and sometimes even that week.
During these events, Ondina teaches a Bible Lesson, focuses on Bible Memory and other Bible-based activities, and they sing songs and do crafts. Each Saturday at The Filling Station is like a "day at camp!" CBM funds this work through the giving of individuals like you. This wonderful mission work costs approximately 700 USD per month, in order to purchase the necessary food and supplies, cover maintenance and repair needs and utilities, and give a small gift to Ondina and her family.
CBM of Honduras is in need of faithful monthly supporters to continue this work. The current monthly giving is currently at about 200 dollars.
We would love for you to be a part of this incredible work that God is doing in Honduras!
Mission Statement:
Though CBM of Honduras is in need of faithful monthly supporters, this particular fundraiser is for a very special Christmas event that Ondina has planned for the children and their families at The Filling Station on December 22, 2020. Ondina will be providing a Christmas dinner for about 200 people, as well as a Christmas gift for about 115 children.
Would you help make this a Christmas Celebration to remember for the village of El Filtro, Honduras?
Recent Donations
Sending love to our little ones in Honduras!
I love all my little people!
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