Registration fee for CBM's 2021 Ladies Retreat. Registration form and more details can be found at http://childrensbibleministries.net/ladies-conference
Mission Statement:
Each winter, CBM hosts a three-night Retreat for the missionary women and their daughters (ages 16 ) from each of its 13 locations of ministry, plus their friends and family members (as space allows). This event is held at CBM's Headquarters, Tuckaleechee Retreat Center in Townsend, TN. The main purpose for this event is fellowship, fun, growing together as sisters in Christ in love and in the knowledge and understanding of the Lord, worship, respite, and relaxation.
Recent Donations
Payment for Rhiannon Evans
Ladies Retreat for Tonya, Josie, and Jenna Cowen
2 Ladies Retreat fees, one for myself and onefor Abigail (Abby) Johnson
For Jenna and I, for the ladies retreat
Ladies Retreat - Lacey
For 2022 Ladies Retreat
For Beth Cowen
Beth and Abby Woodard
Can%u2019t wait to be here!
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