General Fund
Please direct my donations to Pastor Abraham and please tell him I love him!
For Pastor Nilesh Bhai
This is for the Pioneer mission work support.
Blessings on 50 years of ministry!
for Pastor Mikeswar and Mrs. Saranti Majhi
Please use to bless orphans during the holiday season! Love from your Radiant Bay City family!
From BridgeCom Systems/Ron Kochanowicz
From Big House Church with Love
Blessings from Radiant Church Lakeshore
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To: 715-803-4772 Message: 4839089
Recent Donations
Please direct my donations to Pastor Abraham and please tell him I love him!
For Pastor Nilesh Bhai
This is for the Pioneer mission work support.
Blessings on 50 years of ministry!
for Pastor Mikeswar and Mrs. Saranti Majhi
Please use to bless orphans during the holiday season! Love from your Radiant Bay City family!
From BridgeCom Systems/Ron Kochanowicz
From Big House Church with Love
Blessings from Radiant Church Lakeshore
Please direct my donations to Pastor Abraham and please tell him I love him!
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