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Missions 3:16

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tithe tithing fundraising raise money crowdfunding

Missions 3:16

tithe tithing fundraising raise money crowdfunding
tithe tithing fundraising raise money crowdfunding

Kozoubovskii-- Ukraine Project

Donations for Ukraine Project

Created By: Missions 3:16 tithe tithing fundraising raise money crowdfunding
tithe tithing fundraising raise money crowdfunding

Cu7 Cell Recharge

Cuban pastors / church leaders today have their cell phone as primary or only contact to congregation, family, neighbors, fellow pastors, missionaries, etc. Their meager monthly salary of $24-28 /month comes from tithes/offerings. With COVID all churches are closed - no offering baskets = no pastor/...
Created By: Missions 3:16 tithe tithing fundraising raise money crowdfunding
tithe tithing fundraising raise money crowdfunding

CU7 National Partner

CU7 National Partner
Created By: Missions 3:16 tithe tithing fundraising raise money crowdfunding